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Marine Liability

Critical protection for portside operations of all types and sizes


Broad, flexible cover

We offer an adjustable solution that is based around the true needs of our clients from port authorities to terminal operators and all operations in between, covering not only third party damage, but also damage to the owner’s property and the interests of people injured as a result.

Our global reach works for you

By necessity, marine is a global business. At AIG, we combine local expertise and knowledge with the quality and responsiveness of our international network, to ensure the best possible protection for our clients’ assets and their business reputation.

Who is it for?

Our protection includes key sectors such as:

  • Terminal operators
  • Port authorities
  • Stevedores liability
  • Ship repair companies
  • Freight-Forwarder's liability
  • Charter liability

What is covered?

  • Freight-Forwarder's Liability 
    Package cover against liability for cargo, errors and omission, third-party liability arising from freight-forwarding operations.
  • Ship Repairer's Liability
    Indemnifies against liability for damage to vessel, machinery or equipment whilst being worked upon, and third-party liability arising from ship repairing operations.
  • Port/Terminal Operator's Liability 
    Indemnifies against liability for damage to third-party property, bodily injury, defence cost and expenses resulting from insured operation within the port.
  • Charterer's Liability 
    Indemnifies against legal liability or expenses incurred as time or voyage vessel charterer in respect of hull of insured vessel, cargo, third-party death or injury and/or property damage, pollution.