
Beware of phishing scams. For more information, please visit our Safety Tips page.


Recently, there has been a rise in phishing attacks that target customers of financial institutions. Phishing messages may be communicated through various means such as through phone calls, text messages, emails, and even social media messages and which may appear to be originating from a legitimate or official source.

At AIG, we are committed to protecting the information of our customers. However, customer vigilance remains of paramount importance. The following are some important steps that you can take to help protect yourself from cyber-attacks and scams.

Here are 6 tips to protect yourself:

1. Always protect your personal information with strong passwords

Commonly used online passwords like “123456” and “password” are easy to remember but also easy to hack. This will put your account at risk. Always protect yourself with a strong password.

    Tips on creating a strong password:

  • You may want to use passphrases for your passwords. A passphrase is a phrase that is easy for you to remember but modified with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. For example, the phrase I like sailing on the sea can be modified to create the passphrase ilikeSa!ling3onthesea.    
  • Put upper case letters, numbers and symbols in the middle of the password—not at the beginning or the end.
  • Add spaces to your password.
  • Use a different strong password for your various accounts.


2. Always use AIG's official website and ensure the authenticity of the link

When accessing AIG platforms, key in the domain name of the official AIG site you wish to access in your browser. Always check that the domain name begins with "https" and that the website you are visiting belongs to AIG.

     The official AIG domain in Singapore is:



3. Never share your bank account details with anyone

AIG will never ask for your bank account details, online account ID, password, one time password (OTP) or multifactor authentication over the phone, email or text message. Do not divulge confidential information such as account ID, passwords, PINs or OTPs to anyone.

4. Download AIG Official mobile applications

Only use AIG's official mobile applications. Our applications are only available for download from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Always install the latest updates from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Do not access AIG’s applications using mobile phones with tampered operating systems (i.e., ‘jail-broken’ or ‘rooted’ mobile phones) as these increase the risk of malware infection. 

    The official AIG mobile app for Singapore is:

  AIG On the Go App


5. Do not assume the identity of the sender

DO NOT assume that messages sent in the same conversation thread are from the same sender. Scammers can masquerade as legitimate senders. If something about a conversation or request is unusual or does not feel right (for example, change in writing style), do not reply or act on it and call AIG's hotline at 6419 3000. 

6. You may wish to protect yourself further with ScamShield*

ScamShield* is a mobile application by National Crime Prevention Council that works in the background to filter scam messages and calls. This application is currently only compatible with Apple devices and may be downloaded from the Apple App Store.

* ScamShield is not an AIG app and AIG has no control or responsibility over the application. Please refer to if you have any queries about the application and to make your own determination if the application is appropriate for your use.

Cyber scams can be devastating. By working together, we can help to prevent crimes.

Call us immediately at 6419 3000 if in doubt.