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AIG Car Insurance

√   Easy! Buy now for immediate cover

√   Trustworthy! 99.9% of own damage motor claims approved in 2021

Quality cover at a new lower price

When the costs of car ownership can add up to a substantial amount, AIG Car Insurance is here to help you save.

It offers a collision-only cover which lets you save more on the road. When our AIG claims data shows that most claims involve accidents with other vehicles, a collision-only plan may be all you really need.

So, enjoy AIG quality cover at a new lower price today.

I drive a
This product is available for the listed vehicle make and models only. If your vehicle's make and model is not listed, please contact us at 6419 3000 so we can assist you with another product.
This product is available for the listed vehicle make and models only. If your vehicle's make and model is not listed, please contact us at 6419 3000 so we can assist you with another product.
, registered in
This refers to the year your vehicle was first registered in Singapore. Please note that this product is available for vehicles aged 1 to 13 years.
. I am born on
and currently working as a/an
. I have been driving for
Based on the passing date on your driving license, please round the number of years down to the nearest round number. For example, if your driving experience is 0 years 11 months, please enter "0".
years. My policy will be effective for a year, starting from
. I had
Number of claims made against your insurance, where you are at fault.
at fault claims in the last 3 years.
My claim amount is
My date of loss is
My NCD% is
You can find your NCD at renewal on your renewal notice that you received from your current insurer. If your policy is not due for renewal yet, please provide the NCD as per your current policy.

What is AIG Car Insurance Collision-Only Plan?

AIG Car Insurance Collision-Only plan is an auto insurance plan that covers damages or losses to your car, resulting from a collision with another vehicle. The plan also includes third-party liability cover for bodily injury and property damage.

Examples of what is covered for damages to your car under the Collision-Only plan:

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Collision-Only Plan

Complete Plan

Own Damage
Cover for damage or losses to your vehicle that is caused by an accident.
In the event of a collision with another vehicle only.
Cover for damage or losses to your vehicle that is caused by fire.
In the event of a collision with another vehicle which resulted in the fire.
Authorised Driver
Any driver with a valid driving license and driving with your permission.
Within your household* only. Within your household* only.
Bodily Injury
Unlimited cover for third-party bodily injury.
Property Damage
Cover for third-party property damage up to S$5,000,000.
AIG Authorised Workshops
Repairs to the vehicle must be done at AIG authorised workshops.
Accidental Towing
Towing service up to S$500 if your vehicle is involved in an accident with another vehicle.
Excess Waiver of up to S$1,000 with an in-car camera footage
Share your in-car camera accident video footage with us. Help us to fight fraudulent claims, and get rewarded with up to S$1,080 (including GST) in excess waivers.*
Cover for the loss of your vehicle that is caused by theft.
Act of God
Cover for damage to your vehicle that is caused by Acts of God E.g. Flood.
Windscreen / Windows
Windscreen / window cover with automatic reinstatement of the benefit (S$108 excess (including GST), applies)
Strike Riots and Civil Commotions
Cover for damage or loss of vehicle caused during strikes, riots or civil commotion.

*Household means a person or a group of two or more persons living together at the same residential address.

Recommended Add-Ons

Windscreen / windows

Windscreen / windows  cover with automatic reinstatement of the benefit (S$108 excess (including GST), applies).

Glass roof / moon roof/ sun roof / panoramic glass roof

Glass roof / moon roof/ sun roof / panoramic glass roof cover with automatic reinstatement of the benefit (S$108 excess (including GST), applies).

Loss of use cash compensation (up to 7 days)

S$50 per day up to 7 days

NCD Protector* for drivers with 50% NCD

First claim during the policy year will not reduce NCD

Authorised driver extension

Authorised drivers within the household are extended to include any driver.

Solar film

Solar film cover if windscreen / window is also damaged.

Canvas Top

Canvas cover with automatic reinstatement of the benefit (S$378 excess (including GST), applies).

*NCD that is protected under the NCD Protector Benefit is not transferable to any other insurer. NCD Protector Benefit does not guarantee renewal of the policy.

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte. Ltd. or visit the AIG, GIA or SDIC websites ( or or