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Please be informed that AIG will cease using the SMS sender ID ‘76161’ after 31 October 2024. From 1 November 2024, all SMSes sent by AIG will show ‘AIG’ as the sender ID. For any enquiries or to report suspicious messages, please contact us at 6419 3000 or

Hospitality and Leisure

Do business and serve customers with confidence



The hospitality and leisure industry faces pressures from escalating operating expenses and rising energy costs to specific workforce issues, and the increasing threat of global terrorism.

Businesses in this industry need to manage and stay ahead of a unique spectrum of risks. AIG brings many years of experience in underwriting, loss prevention engineering, claims, and crisis and litigation management. We have the flexibility and expertise to develop customisable solutions to respond to your unique challenges, enabling you to continue to do business and serve customers with confidence.

Products and Services for the Hospitality & Leisure Industry